How to Put Your Resume Online

Due to technological development, many spheres of life develop as well. It is a subject to the job search as well. Submitting a well-written and accurately printed resume does not guarantee a successful job hunt anymore as a lot of companies look for candidates with an electronic resume.
That’s why our resume editor service shares tips on how to share your resume online effectively.
Posting Resume Online
This is the case of the high tech, IT, and related industries – companies’ recruiters will not even eye the applicant for the opening if he does not post his perfectly written resume online.
From their (recruiters’) point of view that indicates that the owner of the resume is not comfortable with the Internet, computers, or other types of equipment.
On the other hand, online resumes open new possibilities for job seekers as today’s job market abounds with online resume banks and websites that contain databases of resumes – that makes work search a little bit easier.
Besides, the majority of the resume databases allow job hunters to post resumes on a free basis, without the compulsory fee. Many expert writing companies, like ResumeWritingLab, offer a wide range of professional services and help in posting resumes online.
Where to Post
It is necessary to find the job boards for the relevant industry – just use a search engine. In most cases, the process of placing the resume into the online database is simplified greatly.
The job hunter is asked to fill out several fields (name, address, phone number, email address) and to write (or paste) the body of his resume into a scrolling text box.
Usually resume databases require the visitors to insert plain text, known as “ASCII” (that stands for “American Standard Code for Information Interchange”), but some of them offer to paste HTML as well.
Here are several things to remember while writing the plain text resume in the text box:
- Avoid using specific characters or substandard symbols.
- Align the text left in the resume.
- It is better to use spaces instead of tabs.
- If it is possible, one should use Courier only and no other fonts.
- One must spell check the text before saving it and proofread after pasting the resume.
How to Post HTML Resume
Job hunters are usually recommended to create the HTML with the help of simple text editors such as Notepad because some HTML editors include tags resume databases can’t recognize.
It is necessary to place the tag at the beginning of the text and the tag at the end of the resume. If one inserts links or pictures, he must include the full name of the hyperlink –, not just employment/pic1.
Tip For Successful Online Resume Composing
Job seekers are being told to use good action verbs in the printed resumes, but if one is working on the online resume and looking for more success, he must write relevant keywords (most of which are nouns and adjectives, not verbs) only.
In order to get that done one should make use of the keywords that go with his industry as well as the synonyms. It is evident that federal resume writing will differ from the one needed for IT, for example.
How Not To Do Harm
It is easy enough to write an online resume and clicks “Post,” but one should take care of protecting his information, as cyberspace is not the safest place. There are many cybercriminals, who are ready to take advantage of somebody’s personal data; scam artists are always searching for the kind of information one has on the resume.
That is why, it is important not to share personal information (social security number, driver’s license number, actual residence, or financial details) and always read the privacy policy of those websites, in order to be aware of what will happen with the content of the resume.
Job seekers know that they must have professional email addresses, established solely for work search.
This action will help secure the personal email from the spam one may receive after posting the resume, besides it allows to track emails relevant to the job search.
But the best way to keep personal data safe is to post online resumes selectively.
There are thousands of 10,000 job boards on the Web and some of them might sell the data from their clients’ resumes. One should act with discretion as nothing gets deleted on the Internet.