Lies in Resume: 15 Facts You Should Know About
To lie on not to lie? Probably nearly every job applicant asked himself this question by writing a professional resume or CV. There were numerous stories when misrepresentation led to very unpleasant circumstances.
As the survey of “The Telegraph” shows, nearly three-quarters of hirers have spotted a lie on resumes or CVs. It proves that there are still many applicants who use this tactic.
So, if the thought to exaggerate or falsify information comes to your head, remember that you are not the first. However, those job seekers will unlikely share the outcome of this kind of experience.
In a previous post, Resume Writing Lab told you the truth about using resume samples, and now we gladly present facts about lies in application documents gathered in this infographic.
Final Thoughts
It is always your decision what information to present in your resume. Even if the proverb “All the secret becomes clear” doesn’t persuade you, remember that lying on a resume is considered a fraud and can lead to 10 years in jail. We are confident that you have fantastic skills, talents, and skills. It is just necessary to find the right words for presenting them.