10 Resume Verbs You Should Use Carefully

Updated on November 12, 2024

resume verbs to skip
Everyone heard there exist special resume power verbs you necessarily have to include in your resume as if they would make a great difference to your employer.

The truth is that most HR managers are simply tired of seeing the same word constructions all over again, which makes every other resume resemble the previously reviewed ones.

Besides, you have to realize that the modern job market is way more demanded because of high competition among candidates. You have to avoid traditional verbs and phrase them with more creative and compelling structures to catch the recruiter’s attention.

To ensure your 100% success, you have to smoothen the resume with more compelling and workable action verbs. So let’s review the list of resume power verbs from one of the best resume writing companies you’d be more likely to skip or use.

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Resume Verbs to Skip

1. “Led the Project”

Come on, if you’re still using such word construction, you’d better switch to something new, or your resume risks getting into someone’s trash bit.

If you did really lead the project or were one of its initiatives, you can try out and use hundreds of “led” synonyms like “chaired”, “controlled”, “operated”, “executed”, “organized”, “programmed”, “produced,” etc.

2. “Increased the revenue/sales/efficiency”

Even such phrases have several alternatives to be replaced with to impress the HR manager. Try using “accelerated”, “achieved”, “boosted,” “enhanced “ “generated,” “expand or “maximized”. Keep in mind that your resume should be written in accordance with the job description and general requirements.

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3. “Responsible for research”

what resume verbs not to useIf you wonder something like: what are power verbs that make a big impression on employers out there? We’ll answer for sure: the phrase “responsible for” is NOT the case, unless, of course, we’re here to talk about power verbs for the afterschool teacher.

Moreover, such words as “researched” or “analyzed” are now out of the game as well.

Just be a little more creative and instead of using the same verbs 100 times, mix it up with these power verbs for your resume: “assembled”, “assessed”, “calculated”, “audited”, “evaluated”, “identified”, “examined”, “surveyed” and “measured”. Sounds a little better, doesn’t it?

4. “I achieved”

Did you accomplish your goal and want to share that on your resume? Keep in mind to use something more original than the verb “achieved”. For instance, you may use “completed”, “attained”, “completed”, “demonstrated”, “reached”, “targeted”, “exceeded,” etc.

5. “Worked with partners”

If you were responsible for working with partners, sponsors, and other important figures, you can include the words “navigated”, “negotiated”, “partnered,” and “forged” to expand your vocabulary.

Also, if you want to land a job in the entertainment industry, be sure to check entertainment resume writing tips.

Resume Verbs to Use

1. “Championed”

This is a great substitution for such a hackneyed word “led”, which presents you in the best light as a person with strong executing abilities and leadership skills. This verb would be especially eligible for executive resumes.

2. “Augment/augmented”resume verb to use

We have already mentioned words with close meaning to “improved,”, but one of the best power verbs for CV for such a term is augmented. This one clearly represents the increase in the process. The good thing is that it’s applicable for different resume segments.

3. “Catalyzed”

There are many power verbs for resume writing to show how you’re capable of invoking a radical transformation, but the word “catalyzed” fits in every scenario, especially in resumes for the Sales and Marketing industries.

4. “Spearhead”

It seems like: what’s wrong with the verb “execute”? Frankly speaking, there’s not such a great difference between those two, but the “spearhead” carries more action and HR managers like that.

5. “Integrate”

It’s a great and precise term that substitutes such vague phrases like “responsible for implementing” or “managed the installation”. Nowadays, recruiters value the clarity and conciseness of documents, and you should always keep in mind that it’s better to use one strong action verb than a blurred 3-words phrase.

So, these were power verbs to use in your resume. Remember that those slight changes can magnify your abilities and accomplishments, which would only play in your favor. Such synonyms and action verbs will only showcase your advanced writing skills, that are, by the way, a huge benefit for most job positions.

Written by Dua Khan
Dua is a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Career Coach. Since 2019, she's dedicated her career to creating ATS-optimized job application materials for a diverse clientele, including Grammy-winning artists, and executives at Fortune 500 companies. Her expertise spans executive-level resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn content, and she holds a successful track record of supporting clients from prestigious organizations such as the CDC, NOAA, NHS, and Johns Hopkins University to achieve their career aspirations.