7 Easy Steps to Create Skills Section That Will Win You New Job
The skills section is a section that follows the education and experience parts. This section lists things that are specifically useful for the position you are applying for. They make a potential employee more promising and valuable and maximize the interest of the potential employer. Your resume turns out to be a powerful and competitive document if the skills section contains the right information.
If you think writing this part of a resume is about listing 5-6 skills, you are absolutely wrong. Unfortunately, most of the applicants decide to choose this way, when it comes to resume writing. As a result, they fail. Yes, if you miss this section or make it weak and ordinary, you tend to lose a chance to get your dream job. Such a bright prospect, isn’t it? No, it isn’t.
You have two variants to solve this, so to say, problem. Both of them, by the way, is right. If you don’t have enough free time or just don’t obtain writing skills, you can apply to an online resume writing service. No matter what country you are in right now, the Resume Writing Lab is the place where you can get help.
Or you can try to write a paper, as well as, a skills section independently. Don’t know what skills to list on a resume? For this purpose, follow our directions.
Conduct Research
Before you decide what skills to include in your resume, conduct research and find out what skills are required for a particular position. For instance, for software developers different computer skills on a resume are necessary.
General Information
Every employer has his or her top skills he or she wants to see in every potential employee. Mostly, there are two parts of abilities: those, which are related exactly to a particular position (Mastery of Microsoft Office programs, Experience with QuickBooks and with maintaining office budget, for example) and general skills needed for most of the jobs.
We provide you with skills that should be put on a resume (in case, if you don’t find anything to write).
Analytical skills include the ability to collect and analyze information, problem-solve, and make decisions. This type of skill is required in lots of companies.
Examples: Analyzing, auditing, budgeting, calculating, computing, checking for accuracy, classifying, collecting information, comparing, diagnosing, evaluating, examining, financial, management, financial analysis, organizing, planning, and prioritization.
Interpersonal or people skills help employees to communicate with others. They are really important, as sometimes employers prefer those who have a vast variety of people skills over those who don’t.
Examples: Articulating, artistic, brainstorming, confidence, convincing, listening, open-mindedness, persuasive, promoting public speaking, quick thinking, leadership, ambition.
As most modern companies have a huge staff of employees, teamwork becomes one of the most important qualities ever!
Examples: Advising, collaboration, commitment, communication, community building, cooperation, coordination, giving feedback, goal setting, guiding, group decisions, and helping.
Tech skills are not required in every company, most likely almost in every company. But they can add several points.
Examples: Adjusting, algorithms, assembling, balancing, computing, configuration, customer support, electronics, Email, engineering, hardware, information technology, networking, new technologies, and operating systems.
Creative Thinking 
Creative thinking is required even for tech applicants as brainstorming and outstanding ideas will be highly estimated by every employer.
Examples: Arranging a retail display to have maximum impact, brainstorming at a staff meeting to set a strategy for developing, coming up with new procedures to improve quality, creating the packaging for a product, designing a logo, identifying ways to cut costs during a budget crisis, increasing staff productivity, proposing a new look for a clothing line, composing dialogue for a television or radio commercial.
And, of course, don’t forget about a positive attitude during a job search that is often really appreciated. Mention that you are a cheerful and positive person. These qualities increase productivity and favorably affect the atmosphere in the office. Mix up the aforementioned skills and get the powerful ‘You are hired’ mixture! Good luck!
Skills to Put on a Resume: The Best List
Every job seeker is willing to know which skills are the most valued by the employer. Certainly, as you apply to any position, there is a specific set of professional skills you have to correspond to in order to perform your work correctly.
If you have no idea which ones to include in your personal resume application, first of all, get some hints from the job posting. Employers usually mention a list of job requirements that have to fit your own experience, education, and abilities.
But in order to build a good resume for a job, it wouldn’t be enough to write down only job-specific skills. Besides those, there exist general skills, which are highly valued by almost any employer. All of such skills in resume are divided into hard and soft skills.
Hard skills can be acquired through different forms of learning, either in school, university, or during training courses or internships. Here are the examples of valuable hard skills you can also include in your resume:
- Word Processing;
- Computer Programming;
- Speaking Foreign Languages;
- Advanced Bookkeeping;
- Schedule Management;
- Systems Analysis;
- Typing;
- Operating Tools;
- Mathematics etc.
Soft skills can also be called “people skills” because they don’t depend on your knowledge of something but rather on your reaction, ability to think critically and fast etc. The majority of such abilities are expressed when working in a group of people. More examples are below:
- Problem Solving;
- Adaptability;
- Collaboration;
- Strong Work Ethic;
- Time Management;
- Critical Thinking;
- Self-Confidence;
- Handling Pressure;
- Leadership;
- Creativity.
What are Good Skills to Put on a Resume?
When you ask a question about what are some good skills to put on a resume, you should remember one Golden rule. You must mention the skills that are required for a specific position.
If you apply for the IT manager vacancy, it’s inappropriate to mention your outstanding analytical abilities to calculate the economic benefit of production.
Of course, certain skills can help you almost in any position. Most employers are interested in relevant hard and soft skills. Problem-solving and stress management can also give you a few extra points if you mention them appropriately. Make sure to add a few examples that confirm your statements.
If you still feel like your resume could use a few skills here are some neutral options:
Hard Skills:
- Programming
- Bookkeeping
- Mathematics
- Systems Analysis
- Schedule Management
Soft Skills:
- Adaptability
- Work Ethic
- Critical Thinking
- Collaboration
- Creativity
If you decide to write resume in Microsoft Word independently, you should familiarize yourself with a job ad thoroughly and highlight the required skills. Then it’s important to brainstorm all your skills. After all, you just must pick up those skills that are similar to the job ad and your list.
This is the Golden rule of resume writing that you must recall when you ask yourself what skills to put on a resume. Using it, you will produce an effective resume that will impress your potential recruiter. It doesn’t guarantee an invitation to the interview but it moves your closer to it.
Naturally, you might ask whether a new resume for each new position is required. Resume Writing Lab offers its clients to write an application paper targeted to the position. Still, usually, job seekers send a dozen of resumes to different companies. That’s why it’s important to define 3-5 prime companies and write 3-5 targeted resumes.
This is the reason ordering a quality resume from our writers can make a huge difference in whether your resume will be noticed!